Come and Join our 200 hours yoga TTC in Rishikesh and one week yoga course in Rishikesh and asana course in Rishikesh at Rishikesh Yog Van in
order to maintain a healthy body, mind and spirit. Rishikesh Yog Van is a Yoga Teacher Training School in Rishikesh India.
In the modern time, we are attracted by worldly objects, we have desires so we try to fulfill our desires. We want happiness and peace so we think that luxury items can give us happiness and peace.We have forgotten that happiness and peace are our true nature and It is within us.
In the modern time, we are attracted by worldly objects, we have desires so we try to fulfill our desires. We want happiness and peace so we think that luxury items can give us happiness and peace.We have forgotten that happiness and peace are our true nature and It is within us.
The qualities which we have within us is lost we don’t do any effort to experience spiritual dimension which is the source of energy, happiness, and peace. We can achieve this by a disciplined lifestyle and take everything positively.
Ananda or bliss is a state of harmony and it is our true nature.We can attain Ananda if we are established in our own nature i.e. Swaroop.
We think if we are disease free, we call it healthy. So even if we are disease free, it doesn’t mean that we are healthy but health is a totally positive state in which one’s body, mind, and spirit are in harmony and yoga psychology shows a path to actualize this totality.
The very second verse of the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali says, 'Yoga Chitta vritti nirodhah', that means “ To block the patterns or modifications of mind is called Yoga”.Here Vritti means modifications of mind which can be painful or non-painful but keep on coming into our mind in the forms of thoughts, feelings, emotions. Because of these, we are disturbed many times in our life.So Sometimes we feel
anxiety, sadness which restrict our enjoyment.
In the third verse, Patanjali says, 'Tada drashtuh swaroope avasthanam', which means, 'Then the seer is established (abides) in his own essential nature'. So only then we can experience freedom or bliss.
To attain that blissful state, Patanjali has given the following eight paths:
1. Yama (social code)
2. Niyama (personal code)
3. Asana (posture)
4. Pranayama (control of prana)
5. Pratyahara (sense withdrawal)
6. Dharana (concentration)
7. Dhyana (meditation)
8. Samadhi (superconsciousness)
How to work on mind
We can experience or see the potential of the personality if our awareness reaches into the higher dimension of energy from the lower dimension. We know that the desires and thoughts are the obstructions for the free flowing energy within us. So in this perspective, yogic lifestyle is important. So Maharshi Patanjali has given Yamas and Niyamas and these are prerequisites to reach to goal of yoga and has placed Yamas and Niyamas before asana.
Yamas (social code)
1. Ahimsa
2. Satya
3. Asteya
4. Brahmacharya
(sensual abstinence)
5. Aparigraha
Niyamas (personal code)
1. Saucha
2. Santosha
3. Tapas
4. Swadhyaya
5. Ishwara Pranidhana
(resignation to God)
The Yamas and Niyamas help to maintain the self- disciplines. These are very important and founding stone on the path of yoga. By following these, we can restrict our mind from diverting and attain calmness.
If we follow the above ten(five Yamas, five Niyamas) positive attitudes will bring harmony for the aspirant.Also, it’s been proven that if our body affected, our mind is going to be affected and vice versa. So if we have positive thoughts in mind, our body would work in harmony.
And there is research that more than 70% of diseases are psychosomatic that means the mind is the root cause behind these diseases. So yoga works on the mind to bring us into harmony.
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And there is research that more than 70% of diseases are psychosomatic that means the mind is the root cause behind these diseases. So yoga works on the mind to bring us into harmony.
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200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh