Science of Kapalbhati Pranayama
In the ancient times, Kapalbhati is used to be a cleansing technique but it is treated as pranayama in the present time. Kapalbhati energies the entire brain and helpful in activating the dormant parts of the brain.
During normal inhalation, diaphragm and external intercostals muscles contract actively. In exhalation, internal intercostals muscles relax. In Kapalbhati, this process is reversed. This phenomenon stimulates the dormant parts of the brain because there is reversed nerve impulses to and from the brain.
Sit in a simple cross leg posture or any other meditative posture like sidhhasana or siddha yoni asana, lotus posture etc.
Place hands on your knees in the chin or gyana mudra.
Inhale deeply and exhale forcefully
Practice 30 rapid respirations, but every time emphasis should be on exhalation and inhalation should be passive.
After the 30 strokes, inhale deeply through the nose and exhale quickly through the mouth, and retain the breadth externally.
Apply jalandhara bandha , moola bandha and uddiyana bandha simultaneously.
Maintain these for some time according to your capacity then release the bandhas in reverse
Gradually, we should increase the number of strokes.
Brain get massaged in Kapalbhati
When we inhale normally, the brain contracts because the cerebrospinal fluid around the brain compressed. The brain expands slightly when we exhale because cerebrospinal fluid decompressed at that time.
In kapalbhati, the number of respirations is more. So brain expands and contracts more. That means brain massaged more in a minute. This increases the blood and oxygen supply to the brain. The capillaries are opened up and there is increased blood supply to dormant parts of the brain as well as pineal and pituitary gland which is helpful for proper functioning of these glands.
Thus kapalbhati removes the impurities from the brain because of increased blood supply. Kapalbhati also removes more CO2 and other waste gases from lungs as well.
There are chances that when a beginner experiences dizziness .The reason behind that more co2 expelled in kapalbhati.Also, more oxygenated blood reaches the brain because of that blood vessels constrict as a result there is a decrease in blood supply and so the deficiency of oxygen in the brain and we experience dizziness.
This is concept which we teach in our offers 200 Hrs Yoga TTC in Rishikesh.
The school also offers one week yoga course in Rishikesh and asana course in Rishikesh.
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