Thursday, 20 July 2017

What are Panch Koshas?

We run 200 hours yoga teachers training courses in Rishikesh in India. Please Come and Join our 200 hours yoga TTC in Rishikesh and one week yoga course in Rishikesh and asana course in Rishikesh at Rishikesh Yog Van in order to maintain a healthy body, mind and spirit. Rishikesh Yog Van is a place with serenity surrounded by the beautiful Himalayas in the capital city of Yoga' called Rishikesh'.

According to the yogic text,  the body goes beyond the physical and extends into more subtle layers of energy. Everybody has separate energy bodies or koshas or energy sheaths which are vibrating at different speeds. These energy layers form the spiritual, mental and physical nature of the everybody's personality.

In Sanskrit Kosha means sheath or spheres. These energy sheaths are moving from the gross physical body to the subtle spiritual body. These are annamaya, pranamaya, manomaya, vijnanamaya and anandamaya. 

Annamaya kosha

The first kosha is annamaya kosha, here ‘anna’ means ‘food’ and ‘maya’ means ‘comprised of’.’Anna manifests ‘matter’. In the terms of yoga, our body is a manifestation of interplay between energy and consciousness. As we start our spiritual journey, we experience the inner energy bodies.And the inner energy body is subtle than the outer energy body.

Pranamaya kosha

The next kosha or energy sheath is pranamaya kosha. There is a movement of pranas(vital energies) which affects our physical and mental activities. And prana movement or flow , there is nadis.Nadis are energy channels through which energy can flow all over the body.These nadis or energy channels are controlled by chakras.Chakras are energy whirlpool which conducts the energy. We can compare chakra to a generator. A generator produces current and this current is circulated by wires.In the same manner, energy produces by chakras and circulated by nadis.

We know that toxins are accumulated into the mind and body and Muladhara chakra is responsible for this elimination process.It eliminates impurities from body and mind.
We eat food, nutrients are absorbed into the body and waste product are excreted. In the same way, we receive experiences in different ways like ignorance, fear of death etc. And so our body and mind are affected negatively, we get the illness.

So We should eliminate impurities from body and mind so that we can attain calmness and tranquility. It is possible only when our awareness enters in the pranamaya kosha.

The swadhisthana chakra is related to unconscious mind. It stores the everything whatever we have experienced this life or in previous lives.It also stores memories.These experiences and memories are called sanskaras or impressions. These samskaras or in another term impurities can be eliminated with the use of pranamaya kosha. 

Everybody shows a different personality. For eg. aggression whether physical, mental or emotional are part of our personality. Manipura chakra controls this.By using the Pranamaya kosha, we can influence the manipura chakra and can transform the energies so that the person shows sattwic personality.

In our experience different feeling and emotions and we also manifest these. The chakra which controls these is  Anahata chakra. Anahata chakra copes with attraction and repulsion.
Vishuddhi chakra is present in the throat center. This chakra is responsible for our creativity, positivity, and efficiency. If we improve the functioning of vishudhi chakra , we would have enhanced the ability to solve any problem.

Ajna chakra is present deep in the brain and between the eyebrow center.When this chakra awakens, we would be able to the answer every question of this universe.So we can work on Ajna chakra with the use of pranamaya kosha.

Manomaya kosha

The next Kosha is manomaya kosha.By practicing pranayama, we can directly influence pranamaya kosha but indirect effect manomaya kosha. And it is related to mind.Manomaya Kosha is related to our conscious mind. It is composed of manas and Buddhi.Here mans means thoughtful mind and buddhi which can discriminate.Buddhi is developed after knowledge.

So it is clear that if we strengthen the pranamaya kosha, it would also affect the manomya kosha.That means harmony of mind. So our decision making power will be improved.

Vijnanamaya kosha

The next inner kosha is vijnanamaya kosha. And it is related to our subconscious and unconscious mind. And it stores the experiences and memories of past and present life.Once we get access to this kosha, all the knowledge of previous life comes into our conscious mind.

Also by getting access, we develop the intuition power as well. So we can predict the things. Like a person can predict, it might rain or not even if there are no clouds in the sky.

Anandamaya kosha

The next inner Kosha is anandmaya kosha, once we get access into this kosha, we remain in a state of bliss, happiness.Because when our awareness enters into this kosha, the ‘I’ness dissolve completely.

Effects of Yogic Practices on the Five  the koshas
By practicing the asana, pranayama,shatkarma, we can remove impurities from the annamaya kosha and we gain physical stability.
By practicing pranayama, prana vidya, chakra suddhi,kundalini we can strengthen the pranamya kosha.

Pratyahara , dharana,mantra helps to balance the manomaya kosha.
When we pass through all the previous koshas, we enter into the anandmaya Kosha and we experience the Samadhi.

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