Life is connected to our breathing pattern that means if we breathe in a right way, we would be healthier for a long duration of life. But we are not aware of this fact which results in diseases.
The persons who sit for longer hours, breathe around 17 times per minute. On an average, an adult takes 500 ml of air in an inhalation. But a yoga practitioners who do pranayama or deep breathing, inhale around 5 liters of air.
If we compare normal breathing and deep breathing, we inhale the same volume of air.
In deep breathing, we expend the lungs more so lungs surface area increases and the time taken in inhalation also increases.
In normal breathing, the surface area of lungs increases less as compare to deep breathing.Our lungs contain around 71 million alveoli. Alveoli grouped together are in close contact with each other like a bunch of grapes. According to the Scientists, if alveolies are unfolded , the total surface area would be around 100 to 150 square meter.
So when we inhale deeply , the surface area of the lungs increases and if retain the breath, exchange of gases occurs during this retention period. That means oxygen absorption increases.
If we regularly practice deep or yogic breathing on daily basis, we would be used to of deep breathing and we will start unconsciously deep breathing.
Deep Breathing makes our defense system stronger
When we inhale deeply, our nostrils work like radiators and warms up the inhaled air. During exhalation, air coming from the lungs warms up the nostrils as well.
So quick breathing is not recommended for the longer duration. If we do quick breathing, we are more prone to getting cold and pneumonia. That means our defense system weakens in quick breathing.
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