Tuesday, 25 July 2017

How to balance Piita(bile) by Yogic practices?

Since the ancient times, yoga and Ayurveda are said to be sisters. Both of these were written in Sanskrit in the ancient times. When there is a union of individual consciousness to super consciousness, we call it yoga and Ayurveda are knowledge of life. 

Ayurveda has mentioned three necessary roots for the living.These are Vata(wind), Pitta(bile) and Kapha(mucus).In the absence of these three doshas, the body will not survive. Vata is responsible for the movement of the organism. Pitta is responsible for metabolism and the processes of transformation, and Kapha is responsible for form and structure.
If these doshas are not in harmony, diseases may occur. So it is needed that these doshas should be in a balanced state for the functioning of good health. Pitta dosha is a waste product of the blood. Pitta is hot, liquid, sour and pungent as mentioned in  Charaka Samhita, one of the ancient Ayurvedic text. It is present in the stomach , small intestine(duodenum), liver.It is also present in eyes, skin, brain etc.
According to Charaka Samhita, if Pitta is not in harmony, we have some symptoms. We experience heat, moisture, sloughing, itching, redness etc..
If Pitta is balanced, one’s show intellectuality and good thinking at the mental level. One shows his emotions in the form of courage, joy, and passion at the emotional level.But when it not in its balanced state, one shows anger, aggression, impatience.
We can bring pitta into the balanced state by yogic practices. Pitta is hot so we should practice that practices have opposite effect on the body.So sheetali and sheetkari pranayamas can be used to balance pitta.In sheetali and sheetkari, the inhaled air is cool, this air cools the blood. So these pranayamas decrease the body temperature.
We can balance Pitta by asana practice. Pitta is responsible for digestion, absorption, and assimilation. If we practice that asana which affects our digestive system organs like stomach, large intestine, small intestine,  so these would be helpful to balance pitta.ing of the liver, stomach, and duodenum.
We can practice Surya Namaskar, paschimottanasana ,Naukasana,tadasana, tiryaka tadasana,Pada hastasana, Bhujangasana, tiryaka Bhujangasana, shalabhasana, sarpasana , Pada  trikonasana, meru wakrasana, bhunamanasana and ardha matsyendrasana to balance pitta.
These asanas properly massage the abdominal organs and improve their functioning.
Another thing that we can do is with our mental attitude. When our Pitta is imbalanced, we show impatience, aggressiveness, anger. But when Pitta is in a balanced state, our mind is very relaxed and we show positivity. So in a vice versa manner, if we do some kind of spiritual sadhana, it will calm our mind down, so it will be helpful to balance pitta.
We can also practice shatkarmas to balance pitta like laghoo shankprachalana and purna shankhaprachalana.

We are a yoga teacher training school in Rishikesh India. We at Rishikesh Yog Van conducts 200 hrs Yoga TTC in Rishikesh , one week yoga course in Rishikesh India and asana course in Rishikesh. We teach these yogic practices like shatkarma and pranayama in our 200 hours yoga ttc.

So Join us to explore a real practice of yoga sadhana and learn how to apply in your daily life, Let this energy flow within you inside you and let the true harmony rule.

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