Tuesday, 18 July 2017

What is Hatha Yoga ?

Come and Join our 200 hrs yoga TTC in Rishikesh and one week yoga course in Rishikesh and asana course in Rishikesh at Rishikesh Yog Van in order to maintain a healthy body mind and spirit. Rishikesh Yog Van is a place with serenity surrounded by the beautiful Himalayas in the capital city of Yoga' called Rishikesh'.

Introduction to Yoga:

          "Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion. It is the most valuable inheritance of the present. It is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow."

                                       -  Swami Satyananda Saraswati.

Yoga is the science of right living and, as such, intended to be used in daily life. It works on all aspects of the person: such as physical, vital, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual. The word yoga means 'unity' or oneness and is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Yuj' which means to 'join'. This unity or joining as described in spiritual terms the union of the individual consciousness with the universal consciousness. On a more practical level, yoga is a means of balancing and harmonizing the body, mind, and emotions. This is done through the practice of asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, shatkarma and meditation, and must be achieved before the union can take place with the higher reality. The science of yoga begins to work on the outermost aspect of the personality, the physical body, which for most people is a practical and familiar starting point. When imbalance is experienced at this level, the organs, muscles, and nerves no longer function in harmony, rather they actin opposition to each other. For instance, the endocrine system might become irregular and the efficiency of the nervous system decrease to such an extent that a disease will manifest. Yoga aims at bringing the different bodily functions into perfect coordination so that they work for the good of the whole body.

From the physical body, yoga moves on the mental emotional levels. Many people suffer from phobias and neuroses as a result of the stresses and interactions of everyday living Yoga cannot provide a cure for life but it does present some type of healing method for coping with it. Yoga is explained as a..."integration and harmony between thought, word, and deed, or integration between head, heart, and hand."Through the practices of yoga, awareness develops of the interrelation between the emotional, mental and physical level, and how a disturbance in any one of these affects others. Gradually these awareness leads to an understanding of the more subtle areas of existence.

There are many branches of yoga, for example, Raja yoga, Hatha Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Karma yoga, Bhakti yoga, Mantra yoga, kundalini yoga etc but many texts explain them in detail. It says Each and every individual need to find those yogas most suited to his/her particular personality and need. In the last half of this century, hatha yoga has become the most well known and widely practiced of the systems. However, the concept of what constitutes yoga is widening as more people take it up, and this knowledge is explaining in the ancient texts like "yoga sutras of Patanjali", hatha yoga consists of shatkarmas ( cleansing practices), asana, pranayama, mudra, and bandha as well.

" I do not consider yoga as just a practice. Yoga is grouped into four categories: practice,sadhana,lifestyle, and culture. See yoga as a practice, see yoga as a sadhana, see yoga as a lifestyle and see yoga as a culture. This is the advantage (progression)of yoga."

History of Yoga:

Today , yoga has become very famous for all type of people.The yoga we know today was developed as a part of the tantric civilization which existed in India and all parts of the world more than ten thousand years ago. In archaeological excavations made in the Indus Valley at Harappa and Mohenjodaro, now in modern Pakistan, many statues have been found depicting deities resembling Lord Shiva and Parvati performing various asanas and practicing meditation. These ruins were once the dwelling place of people who lived in the pre- Vedic age before the Aryan civilization started to flourish in the Indus subcontinent. According to mythical tradition, Shiva is said to be the founder of yoga and Parvati, his first disciple. Lord Shiva is widely considered to be the symbol or embodiment of supreme consciousness. Parvati represents supreme knowledge, will, and action and is responsible for all creation. This force or energy is also known as kundalini shakti, the cosmic force which lies dormant in all beings. Parvati is regarded as the mother of the whole universe. The individual soul is embodied and bound to the world of name and form, and also liberated from the bondage of the world and united with supreme consciousnessthrough her grace. Out of love and compassion for her children, she imparted her secret knowledge of liberation in the form of tantra. The techniques of yoga have their source in tantra and the two can not separate, just as consciousness, Shiva,  can not be separated from energy, Shakti. Tantra is a combination of two words, tanoti, and trayati, which means 'expansion' and 'liberation' respectively. therefore, it is the science of expanding the consciousness and liberating the energy.

Tantra is the way to attain freedom from the bondage of the world while still living in it. The first step in tantra is to know the limitations and capacities of the body and mind. Next, it prescribes techniques for the expansion of consciousness and the liberation of energy whereby individual limitations are transcended and a higher reality experienced. Yoga arose at the beginning of human civilization when man first realized his spiritual potential and began to evolve techniques to develop it. The yogic science was slowly evolved and developed by ancient sages all over the world. The essence of yoga has often been shrouded in or explained by different symbols, analogies, and languages. Some traditions believe that yoga was a divine gift revealed to the ancient sages so that mankind could have the opportunity to realize its divine nature.

In ancient times, yoga techniques were kept secret and were never written down or exposed to public view. They were passed on from teacher or guru to disciple by word of mouth. In this way, there was a clear understanding of their meaning and aim. Through personal experience, realized yogis and sages were able to guide sincere aspirants along the correct path by removing any confusion, misunderstanding and excessive intellectual observation. the first books to refer to yoga were the ancient Tantras and later the Vedas which were Written about the time the Indus Valley culture was flourishing. Although they do not give specific practices, they indicate to yoga symbolically. In fact, the verses of the Vedas were heard by the Rishis, seers, in states of deep, yogic meditation or samadhi, and are regarded as revealed scriptures. It is, however, in the Upanishads that yoga begins to take a more definable shape. These scriptures collectively form Vedanta, the culmination of the Vedas, and are said to contain the essence of the Vedas. Sage Patanjali's treatise on raja yoga, the yoga sutras, codified the first definitive, unified and comprehensive system of yoga. Often called the eight- fold path, it is comprised of Yama, self- restraints, Niyama-self observances, asana, pranayama, pratyahara,(disassociation of consciousness from the outside environment), Dhyana (meditation) and samadhi ( identification with pure consciousness). Samadhi is the last state of yoga.

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