Friday, 28 July 2017

Introduction to Chakra(energy whirlpool)

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 Definition of chakra:

The word Chakra literally means ‘wheel’ or ‘circle’. Chakras are known as wheel of life. Each chakra is a switch which turns on or opens up specific areas of the brain. In most people these psychic centres lie dormant and inactive. Concentration on the chakras while performing yogic practices stimulates the flow of energy through the chakras and helps to activate them.

Chakras help to awaken the dormant areas in the brain and their corresponding faculties in the psychic and mental bodies, which allow one to experience higher level of consciousness which normally is inaccessible. There are seven major chakras  and they are located along the pathway of sushumna nadi which flows through the centre of the spinal cord. Sushumna nadi starts at the perineum and ends at the top of the head. These seven chakras are connected to nadis (psychic channels) which are the subtle form of nerves. The chakras are shoen symbolically as lotus flowers,  each having a particular number of petals and its characteristic color.  Each chakra has its own bij (seed) mantra.

Description of the seven chakras

Mooladhara chakra:
Mooladhara chakra is the first energy center in human body. It is a lowest chakra situated at the perineum in the male body and at the cervix in the female body. The word mool means ‘root’ and adhara means ‘place.’ So that Mooladhara chakra is also called root chakra.Therefore, it is known as the root centre. The symbol of root chakra is deep red color lotus with four petals. There is a yellow square yantra called oiprithvi tattwa (earth element) and the beeja mantra for mooladhara chakra is “LAM”. In the center of the square is a red triangle, which is the symbol of shakti or creative energy with its apex pointing downward. Mooladhara is the seat or dwelling place of primal energy, is called Kundalini shakti.

It is also believed that the aim of yoga is to awaken the dormant kundalini  through self-purification and concentration  of mind and to lead it up through the chakras to top where sahasrara chakra is located on the crown of head. Where, as pure energy or shakti it unites
With pure consciousness, Shiva.

For concentration on mooladhara chakra, visualize the red color. Practice of mooladhara chakra helps to build inner stability and balance.

Color: deep red
Associated element: Earth
Sense: Smell
Symbols: 4 petals lots
Beeja mantra: ‘LAM’
Associated parts of the body: All solid parts like the spinal cord,bones, teeth,and nails. Anus, rectum.colon,prostate gland. Blood and the building of cells.

Swadhisthana Chakra:

Swadhisthana Chakra is situated above the mooladhara chakra at puvic bone which is approximately two fingers width above mooladhara chakra in the spine directly behind the genital organs.  Swadhisthana chakra, also called the Sacral Chakra or the Cross Center. The meaning of the word Swadhisthana is “one’s own abode’. The Sanskrit word Swadhisthana is made of two words ‘Swa’ and ‘Sthan’. Swa means self and sthan means ‘dwelling place’. This chakra is symbolized by a crimson lotus with six petals. In the center is a white crescent moon, the yantra of ‘apas tattwa’ which is a water element and the beeja mantra for swadhisthana is “VAM” Swadhisthana chakra is associated with seeking pleasure through the tongue and genital organs. On the physical level, Swadhisthana is associated with the organs of excretion and reproduction. Swadhisthana chakra is the seat of the individual and collective unconscious. It is the storehouse of all samskaras. It is the centre of man’s most primitive and deep rooted instincts. By purifying the swadhisthana chakra the animal nature is transcended. For concentration on this centre, visualize a vast, deep ocean with dark waves under a night sky.

Color: Orange

Associated element: Water

Sense: Taste

Symbols: 6-petalled lotus

Beeja mantra: ‘VAM’

 Manipura Chakra:

Manipura Chakra, also called the solar plexus chakra ar the Navel center. Manipura is the third energy center in our body. The third chakra is associated approximately two fingers above the navel. It opens towards the front. Manipura chakra lies in the spine behind the navel. It is derived by the two Sanskrit words ‘Mani’ and  ‘pura’. The word ‘Mani’ means ‘gem’ and pura means ‘city’. Therefore, manipura means ‘city of jewels’. This energy center is symbolized as a bright yellow lotus with ten petals. Related yantra with this chakra is ol’agni tattwa, the fire element, and the beeja mantra is ‘RAM’.

The most important task of the third chakra consists of purifying the desires and wishes of the loer chakras, consciously controlling and using their creative energy and, finally allowing the spiritual richness of the higher chakras to manifest in the material world as a means of achieving the greatest possible fulfillment on all levels of being.when the third chakra is open it creates  a feeling of inner peace, joy and harmony within yourself, your life in general and you will be able to share this energy with others, that means you can accept yourself easily as you are in any condition of life. You will be able to integrate your feelings, wishes and experiences in such a way that they lead to wholeness.

Color of the Manipura Chakra: Yellow

Associated element: Fire

Sense: Sight

Symbol: 10-petalled lotus
Associated parts of the body: Lower back, abdomen, digestive system, stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder.

Anahata chakra:

Anahata chakra is also known as the Heart Chakra or the heart center. It is situated in the spine behind the sternum level with the heart. The word anahata means unstruck. The heart chakra is the center of the whole chakra system. The purpose of the heart chakra is to achieve perfect union through love.

Color of the Anahata Chakra: Green

Associated element: Air

Sense: Touch

Symbol: 12- petalled lotus

Basic Principle: Devotion

Associated parts of the body: Heart, upper back.

Vishuddhi chakra:

Visuddhi chakra is situated at the back of the neck, behind the throat pit. Vishuddhi chakra is the centre of purification. The word shuddhi means purification. It is symbolized by a violet lotus with sixteen petals. In the center of the lotus there is a white circle, the yantra of ‘akasha tattwa’ the ether element. The beeja mantra for Vishuddhi Chakra  is ‘HAM’. And the throat chakra is the center of the human capacity of expression. It governs the vocal cords, the region of the larynx, and the thyroid and parathyroid glands. One of the tasks of the throat chakra is to provide us a certain inner distance and thus enable us to reflect on our thoughts and actions. Ifthe throat chakra is balance one becomes a conscious of mental body.

Color: dark blue

Associated element: Ether

Sense: Hearing

Symbols: 16-petalled lotus

Associated parts of the body: Neck, throat, and jaw.

Associated gland: Thyroid.

Ajna chakra:

Ajna Chakra , is also known as the Brow Chakra, the Third Eye, the Eye of Wisdom. Ajna Chakra is a command chakra. It is located in the midbrain behind the eyebrow center, at the top of the spine. The word ‘ajna’ means ‘command’. On the physical plane it is the highest center of command for the central nervous system.

Color: Indigo blue

Sense: All senses, including extrasensory perception.

Symbols: 96-petalled lotus

Basic principle: Knowledge of being

Associated parts of the body: Face, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, cerebellum, central nervous system.

Sahasrara  Chakra:

It is located at the crown of the head. It is not really a chakra but the place of highest consciousness. The word Sahasrara means ‘one thousand’. It is a last energy center in our body. This chakra is visualized as a shining lotus of a thousand petals. Sahasrara is also known as Crown Chakra, Vertex center or the 1,000 petalled lotus.

Color:  Violet, also white and gold

Symbol: 1,000-petalled lotus

Basic principle: Purest being.

Associated part of the body: Cerebrum.

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