Thursday, 3 August 2017

The Importance of Relaxation Asanas in yoga

The importance of this series of relaxation poses cannot be over –emphasised.  It is recommended to perform relaxation asanas before and after the asana session and at any time when the body becomes tired. The asanas in this group seems very easy at first, yet it is quite difficult to do them properly for the tension in all the muscles of the body must be consciously released.  Sometimes we think that muscles are completely relaxed but in fact, the tightness still remains even during our sleep relaxation is elusive. Group of relaxation asanas gives your body the rest it so badly needs. 

Constant postural abnormalities put excess strain on the muscles of the back which hardly receive proper relaxation in the conventional supine position. Therefore certain relaxation practices which are done in the prone position are very relaxing to the spine and related structures. They are especially recommended for any back/spinal problem. These postures can be adopted during any time of the day for any comfortable duration. They can be combined with relaxing daily activities as well.

Shavasana (corpse pose):  

Shavasana (corpse pose) is one of the relaxation asanas which is performed before and after the yoga session. This Asana is supposed to be relaxative Asana. This is very useful in removing the fatigue created due to the practice of other Asanas. This asana is also known as merit asana, the dead man’s pose.


  •  comfortably lie down flat on the back with the hands about 15 cm away from the body, palms facing upward.  Put a thin pillow or cushion on the back of the head to prevent discomfort.
  • Slightly curl the fingers and keep both the feet slightly apart to a comfortable position then gently close the eyes. It is necessary to maintain the head and spine in a straight line and make sure the head does not fall to one side or the other.
  • Become aware of the natural breath, spontaneous breath and completely relax whole body and the mind.
  •  After maintaining this pose for some time then slowly return.
  1. There must not be any kind of tension in any part of your body. Release the tension by shaking that part where you are feeling the tension.
  2. Completely loosen your whole body parts one by one from toes to head and head to toes.
  3. Bring your whole of the attentions on your breathing pattern. Develop your awareness on your breathing, on both the nostrils and try to feel and concentrate on the warmth of breath while exhaling and feel the coolness of the breathing while inhaling.
  4. Spiritual Awareness in on the Ajna chakra.
Benefits and Limitations:
1.    This asana is practiced soon after the practice of other asanas to remove the all kinds of strain and stress from the body and the mind.
2.     This asana helps to relax whole psycho-physiological system. And should be practiced before going to sleep, after dynamic exercises like surya namaskara and when the practioner feels physically and mentally tired.
3.    This is very beneficial in high blood pressure and cardiac diseases.

4.    This asana is very beneficial for the people suffering from neurosis and fear complexes.

    Rishikesh Yog Van is a fast growing 200 hours yoga teacher training school in Rishikesh.  It is a place to learn 200 hrs yoga TTC in Rishikesh , one week yoga course in Rishikesh , retreat course and and asana training in Rishikesh. Rishikesh Yog Van is a home for all yogis from all across the world. We are not just a another school handing out the certificate, we are here to give you right knowledge of yoga and create a unity for all those who are ready to live in fully joy and harmony either you are ready to live yogic & transcendent life or seeking for it then you have come to the right place.

     No matter which  course you choose, you will study a subject yoga in depth with clarity and its vision. It is a authentic yoga school. 

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