Kundalini is a divine power hidden in the human. Everybody should know a little about Kundalini shakti such as what is Kundalini? What are the functions of Kundalini power in our body? And the methods of Awakening Kundalini etc.
There is a sleeping dormant potential force in every human organism and it is situated at the root of the spinal column; this force is known as Kundalini. In the masculine body, it is in the perineum between the urinary and excretory organs. In the female body, it is situated at the root of the uterus, in the cervix. This center is known as mooladhara chakra. Kundalini is an energy which moves from one to another chakra as we are all at different stages of evolution, and in some of us Kundalini may have already reached to swadhisthana chakra, manipura or anahata chakra of sahasrara chakra.
To awaken Kundalini one must prepare through the yogic practices like Shatkarma, asana, Pranayama, and meditation. Then when you are able to direct your prana into the seat of Kundalini, the energy wakes up and makes its way through sushumna nadi (one of the energy channel) in the central nervous canal, to the brain.
With the awakening of Kundalini, the greater intelligence is aroused from its sleep and you can give birth to a new creativity. When Kundalini awakens your life becomes blessed with visions and psychic experiences, you could become an inspired person, master, artist, poet or musician. You could also become an outstanding leader, the prime minister, governor or president. The whole area of human mind and behavior gets affected by the awakening of Kundalini Shakti. Kundalini is not any kind of myth or an illusion. Kundalini is a biological substance that exists within the human body. Kundalini is a great shakti.
The word Kundalini actually comes from the word “kunda”, which means a deeper place. A Sanskrit word Kunda is described as ‘the fire used in the ceremony of initiation or any kind of rituals, hawans ( fire rituals). Kunda refers to the concave cavity in which the brain, resembling a coiled and sleeping serpent, nestles. The word Kundalini refers to the shakti or power when it is in its dormant potential state, but when it is manifesting, you can call it Devi, Durga, Kali, Saraswati, Lakshmi or any other name according to the manifestation it is exhibiting before you.
Whatever happens in your spiritual life, it is related to the awakening of Kundalini. And the goal of every form of spiritual life, whether you call it Samadhi, nirvana, moksha, communion, union, kaivalya, liberation or whatever, is in fact awakening of Kundalini.
Who can awaken Kundalini? Is it only saints and sadhus? Is it only any spiritual aspirant? And the answer is: there are many people who have awakened their Kundalini Shakti so not only saints and sadhus, but poets, painters, warriors, writers, anyone can awaken their Kundalini. By awakening, this dormant power within you can become anything in your life. The energy of Kundalini is one energy, but it expresses itself differently through the individual psychic centers or chakras. Kundalini is the creative energy. It is the energy of self-expression. It is the same energy that is expressed when someone composes or plays beautiful music. It is the same energy which is expressed in all parts of life, whether it is building up a business, fulfilling the family duties or reaching whatever goal you aspire for. These are all expressions of the same creative energy which is Kundalini energy.
Kundalini Physiology:
Kundalini is also called serpent power as it is coiled in a spinal column like a serpent (snake). It neither belongs to the physical body, although it is connected to it nor it can be discovered in the mental or astral body. Its abode is actually in the casual body, where the concepts of time, space and object are completely lost. As Kundalini is related to the unconscious state in mooladhara chakra. This unconscious awareness than has to pass through different phases and becomes one with the cosmic awareness in the highest realm of existence. The supreme awareness Shiva is considered to be seated in sahasrara, the superconscious or transcendental body at the crown of the head. In the Vedas, as well as the Tantras, this supreme seat is called hiranyagarbha, the womb of consciousness. It corresponds to the pituitary body, the master gland situated within the brain.
Below this center of supreme consciousness, there is another psychic center is called the third eye or ajna chakra, which corresponds to the pineal gland. This is the seat of intuitive knowledge.This center lies on top of the spinal column at the level of bhrumadhya, the eyebrow centre. Ajna chakra is important because it is connected with the seat of supreme consciousness in sahasrara, and with mooladhara the seat of the unconscious, at the base of the spine, vis sushumna, the psychic passage within the spinal column.
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