Monday, 21 August 2017

Personality aspects of the chakras

Our perception, thinking, emotions and behavior are all unique to each one of us. They help determine how we interact with the world in one way or another. Our memories are important factors here in governing what we will do in each of these aspects of our experience.
We have another important dimension of characteristics which are related to the different aspects of our personalities. They determine:
What aspects of our sensations and perceptions will be most meaningful for us?
What our most significant memories are
What especially drives our thinking patterns?
What our favorite emotions are.
What our most likely behavior patterns are.
These characteristics are connected to a system of centers in the individual called chakras.
What are chakras?
Chakra means ‘wheel’ in Sanskrit. Yogis have defined chakras as energy whirlpool.Energies flow through energy channels called Nadis. Where nadis intersect are known as chakra locations.Chakras act as a switch for the different aspects of our personality. We have thousands of chakras, but seven chakras are important. Chakras are situated along the vertebral column.These are as follows:
Mooladhara chakra: It is situated 1 inch deep in the perineum
Swadhistana chakra: It is located at the sacrum.
Manipura chakra: It is located immediately posterior to naval center at the spine.
Anahata chakra: It is situated in the spine behind the heart.
Vishuddhi Chakra: It is located behind the throat.
Ajna Chakra: It is located deep in the brain behind the eyebrows.
Sahasrara: It is located at the top of the head.
The chakras represent different aspects of the personality, the psychic qualities and also the physical and vital aspects.
Personality aspects of the chakras
Mooladhara Chakra deals with one’s personal security, with getting and keeping money and material possessions and some say with the aspect of sexuality or reproducing progeny.
Swadhisthana Chakra deals with joy, enjoyment of sexuality and seeking pleasure.
Manipura Chakra copes with personal power, actions for completing the tasks and self-esteem.
Anahata Chakra also known as heart chakra is responsible for love, compassion, emotions and other feelings.

Vishuddhi Chakra is responsible for communication and interpersonal relationships.
Ajna Chakra copes with intellect, intuitive knowledge, and  wisdom.

Sahasrara is the center of enlightenment.

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