Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Mooladhara and our personality

The term chakra means all the different components of the person that are associated with a particular chakra.When we are thinking about the chakras, we should consider each one as an actual chakra system and realize that all the different components of each system act together.The system consists of the related parts of the body, the energy system, the lower mental and emotional components, the higher mental and feeling components and the highest realization of those aspects of the individual.

So a chakra system involves all these components.

The following is a list of some the relevant qualities of the mooladhara chakra.


Basic qualities: Security of the individual and material possessions.Some say that as well as self-preservation, this chakra is concerned also with the preservation of the species, so it involves the reproductive role of sexuality.

Physical: The legs, feet and lower bowel. The nerve plexus is the coccygeal plexus and the endocrines are the adrenal glands and the gonads. 
Vitality: Mooladhara is the seat of kundalini shakti, an energy force which can rise up sushumna nadi and awaken all the potentials of the chakras.

I-ness: the of identity at this chakra depends on the level of one's evolvement of these qualites. In mooladhara it can vary anywhere from the lowest level of terrified obsession with survival in tamas, through strong ego in rajas , to oneness with the highest consciousness in sattwa.
Perception: At this chakra one sees the world in terms of safety , physical survival and material security. One is also concerned with security of one's position in 'the bosom' of society.

Memory: Activate mooladhara chakra and up come memoris of past experiences of security or insecurity, material gains or lossess etc.

Instinctual mind: Thoughts are concerned with immediate security and getting and conserving possessions.

Intellectual mind: Plans for ensuring one's future security. This may invlove bodily or family safety but is frequently about material security such as position in society , money , property  and other possessions.

Higer mind: Planning to ensure one's ability to contribute to the benefit of all.

Emotions and feelings: Depending on one's level will vary through fear , insecurity , greed , acquisition , security, generosity , unity etc.

Actions: Will usually be related to the thinking and emotional levels.

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