Saturday, 26 August 2017

Swadhisthana , Manipura chakra and our personality


Basic qualities: joy , humour , sexuality.

Physical : Lower part of the trunk especially the lumbosacral area of the spine , pelvic area ,buttocks and the genitals.The nerve plexus is the sacral plexus and the endocrines are the gonads.

Vitality: sexual energye

I-ness: One's sense of identity at this chakra is of an emotional , feeling , sexual and pleasure seeking individual, who is either fulfilled or frustrated , and the following aspects will depend on which of these applies. Sexual identity in most people corresponds with their gender. 

Perception : One sees the world as the potential supplier of pleasure , joy , ecstatic sensations and intimacy , not even suspecting that these are all within one , just waiting to be experienced.

Memory: Activate swadhisthana chakra and the memories that come up out of the unconscious mind will be those of past pleasures and frustrations , sexual experiences , joys and disappointments.

Instinctual mind: Seeks pleasure at all costs - must be careful of inadvisable exploits and addictions.

Intellectual mind: The keys here are sensible restraint of the satisfaction of desire states , and how to sublimate some of the energy of desires into useful accomplishments.

Higher mind: The realization that the pleasure we seek 'out there' is already the bliss 'in here'   .

Emotions and feelings: Anything from depression and guilt to divine ecstasy.

Actions: Will vary in quality according to the above.


Basic qualities: power , action , self-esteem.

Physical : Middle part of the trunk , especially the thoraco-lumber area ; digestive system , especially stomach , liver , gall bladder , pancreas and spleen. The nerve plexus is the solar plexus , and the endocrines are the adrenals and the pancreas islets.

Vitality: Manipura is the center of pranic energy in the individual.

I-ness: This is the centre of ego; there can be a strong sense of self as superior or inferior to others.

Perception: The person who is strongly identified here sees power everywhere and assesses the people and situations around as to who is powerful and who is powerless.

Memory : Activate manipura and the memories will be about past experiences  of power , powerlessness , anger , confidence , self-esteem , shame , success , failure etc.

Instinctual mind: power , control , will and action are the main thinking patterns at this level.

Intellectual mind: Subtle power becomes obvious at this point ; one realizes that one can get things done better by not pressuring or bullying people.

Higher mind: Vast power and miracles are possible at this point; one realizes that  that it is not me doing all this after all - there is a higher force moving the 'pieces' on the 'board'.

Emotions and feeling : At ordinary levels may vary through pride , shame , self-satisfaction , egotism , anger etc.

Actions: Will depend on the level of one's evolvement , but may vary through lethargic inactivity , 'pushy ' bullying , all the way to pure service of humanity in the partnership with divine grace.

We also offer one week yoga course for beginners in Rishikesh , retreat course in Rishikesh and asana training in Rishikesh.

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