Methods of Awakening Kundalini:
In tantric science, various methods are described to practice for awakening the Kundalini energy. This can be practiced individually or in combination. In some people awakening of Kundalini is god gifted by birth. By a favorable birth, if your parents were highly evolved, you can have an awakened Kundalini. It is possible to be born with an awakened sushumna, ida or pingla nadi. This means that from the time of birth your higher faculties will be operating either partially or fully. If a child comes with partial awakening, he is called a saint, and if he comes with full illumination, he is known as an incarnation, avatara or son of god.
If someone is born with an awakened Kundalini, his experiences are very much under control. They take place in him right from the beginning in a natural way, so he never feels that something extraordinary is happening to him. A child with an awakened Kundalini has clarity of vision, a high quality of thinking and a sublime philosophy. His attitude to life is somewhat unusual as he has total detachment. To him, his parents were only his means of creation, and therefore he is unable to accept the normal social relationship with them. Although he may live with them, he feels as if he were just a guest. Such a child exhibits’ very mature behavior and does not react emotionally to anything in life. As he grows he becomes aware of his mission and purpose in life.
The second method of awakening Kundalini is through regular practice of mantra. This is a very powerful, smooth and risk- free method, but of course it is a sadhana which requires time and a lot of patience. First you need to obtain a suitable mantra from a guru who knows yoga and tantra, and who can guide you through your sadhana. When you practice the mantra incessantly, it develops in you the vision of higher force and enables you to live amidst the sensualities of life with indifference to them.
It is said that the mantra must be chanted loudly, softly, on the mental plane and on the psychic plane. By practicing it at these four levels,Kundalini awakens methodically and systematically. You can also use the mantra by repeating it mentally in coordination with the breath, or you can sing it aloud in the form of kirtan. This creates a great potential in mooladhara and awakening takes place.
Closely related to mantra yoga is awakening through sound or music is nada yoga. Here when we say sounds; it means the beeja mantras and the music consists of particular melodies corresponding to particular chakras. This is a most tender and absorbing way of awakening.
The third method of awakening Kundalini is tapasya, which means the performance of austerities. Tapasya is a means of purification, a burning or setting on fire so that a process of elimination is created, not in not in the physical body, but in the mental and emotional bodies. Through this process the mind, the emotions and the whole personality are cleansed of all dirt, complexes and the patterns of behavior that cause pain and suffering. Tapasya is an act of purification. It should not be misunderstood to involve standing naked in cold water or snow, or observing foolish and meaningless austerities.
Tapasya is a psychological or psycho- emotional process through which the aspirant tries to set in motion a process of metabolism that will eradicate the habits that create weakness and obstruct the awakening of will power.”I must do this but I can’t” why does this difference between resolution and implementation arise in the mind of aspirant? Why is it so great? It is due to deficiency of will, and that weakness, that distance a barrier between resolution and execution can be removed through regular and repeated practice of tapasya. Then the willpower makes a decision once and the matter is finished. This strength of will is the fruit of tapasya.
Note: The psychology of tapasya plays a very important part in the awakening of man’s latent power ‘Kundalini’. The psychology of austerity is very sound and certainly not abnormal. When the senses are satisfied by the objective pleasures, by the comforts and luxuries, the brain and nervous system become weak and the consciousness and energy undergo a process of regression. It is in this situation that the method of austerity is one of the most powerful and sometimes explosive method of awakening.
Practice of Raja Yoga:
Practice of raja yoga is one of the method of inducing awakening Kundalini and the development of an equipoise mind. This is the total merging of individual consciousness with superconsciousness. It occurs by a sequential process of concentration, meditation and communion; experience of union with the absolute or supreme. The raja yoga method is very difficult for the majority of people as it requires time, patience, discipline and solidity. Concentration of mind is one of the most difficult things for people of today to achieve. It is not possible to achieve before the mind has been stabilized, the karmas deactivated and the emotions purified through the practices of karma yoga and bhakti yoga. It is the nature of the mind to remain active all the time, and this constitutes a very real danger for people of our time, because when we try to concentrate the mind we create a split. Therefore the majority of us should only practice concentration up to a certain point.
Awakening Kundalini through raja yoga, changes take place in the practioners. One will be able to transcend hunger and all addictions or habits. There no remains a sensuality of life any more also hunger and the sexual urge diminishes and detachment develops naturally. Raja yoga brings about a slow transformation of consciousness.
Practice of Pranayama:
Practice of Pranayama is another method of Kundalini awakening. When a sufficiently prepared aspirant practices intense Pranayama in a calm, cool and quiet environment and a sattvic diet, the awakening of Kundalini takes place like an explosion and it ascends to sahasrara chakra immediately. One must know that Pranayama is not just a breathing exercise or a means to increase prana in human body, it is a powerful method of creating yogic fire to heat the Kundalini and awaken it. However , if it is not practiced without sufficient preparation, this will not occur because the generated heat will not be directed to the proper centers. Therefore Jalandhara, uddiyana and moola bandhas are practiced to lock the prana in and force it up to the frontal brain.
Direct method and the indirect method are two important ways of awakening Kundalini. Pranayama is the direct method.
Kriya Yoga:
Kriya yoga is the most simple and very practical way of Kundalini awakening for the modern day yoga practioners as it does not require resistance with the mind. Sattwic people are able to awaken Kundalini through raja yoga, but those who have a rajasic mind will not succeed in this way. It will give them more tensions, guilt and complexes so that for such type of people kriya yoga is the best and the most effective method of Kundalini awakening.
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