What is lordosis?
We have natural spine curves , upper back, and lower back. These spine's S shape curvers are called the lordotic (neck and lower back) and kyphotic (upper back).
These curves are helpful to :
We can improve our condition with daily yoga program.
Types of lordosis?
Someone with lordosis will have extra space between their back and the surface. If anybody have an abnormal curve, It will look like C-arch when they stand. And from the side view, their abdomen and buttocks will stick out.
This can mean:
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These curves are helpful to :
- absorb shock
- support the weight of the head
- stabilize and maintain its structure
- move and bend flexibly
We can improve our condition with daily yoga program.
Types of lordosis?
Lower back lorsosis
The common type of lordosis is in the lower back or lumbar spine.By lying down on the floor , we can check for this condition.Someone with lordosis will have extra space between their back and the surface. If anybody have an abnormal curve, It will look like C-arch when they stand. And from the side view, their abdomen and buttocks will stick out.
Cervical lordosis
In a healthy spine, neck should look like a very wide C and the curve points towards the back of neck. Cervical lordosis is when spine in the neck region doesn’t curve as it normally should.This can mean:
- There’s too much of a curve.
- The curve is running in the wrong direction, also called reverse cervical lordosis.
- The curve has moved to the right.
- The curve has moved to the left.
- Spondylolisthesis: Spondylolisthesis is a spinal condition in which one of the lower vertebras slips forward onto the bone below. It's usually treated with therapy or surgery.
- Achondroplasia: Achondroplasia is one of the most common types of dwarfism.
- Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis is a bone disease that causes a loss of bone density, which increases risk of fractures.
- Certain muscles around the hip and lower back become tight-erector spinae and the hip flexors(iliopsoas muscle) ,Others such as the abdominals and the hip extensors(hamstrings and gluteus maximus) become weaker.
Paschimottan asana , Cat pose , child pose , reversed corpse pose etc.
Kyphosis is characterized by an abnormally rounded upper back
(more than 50 degrees of curvature).
Causes-degenerative arthritis, injuries, muscular conditions
and problems such as slipped disks and also bad posture like if somebody works on desktop computer for longer hours which can the change the natural thoracic curve.
Asana for kypohsis- The backward bending asana and those asana which extends the spine will be beneficial.
Adho Mukha Svanasana (The Downward Facing
Dog Pose)
Marjaryasana (The Cat Pose)
Salabhasana (The Locust Pose)
Setu Bandasana (The Bridge Pose)
Tadasana (The Mountain Pose)
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (The Upward Facing
Dog Pose)
A person with scoliosis has a sideways
curve to their spine. The
curve is often S-shaped or C-shaped.
Functional causes : poor
posture or repeated
unbalanced activity, such as always carrying books on one side.
The curve can impact on the ribs as it may start to
pull the ribcage out of position
Scoliosis affects pelvic and shoulder girdles.
Scoliosis also affects the bone, cartelizes and muscles
of the spine.
Muscles of concave side of curve become shortened compared with those convex
Asana For scoliosis:
bending and forward bending asana lengthens the shortened muscles on the
concave side and strengthen the muscles on convex side.
We also offer one week yoga course for beginners , retreat and asana course for beginners in Rishikesh.
For more info:
Web: http://www.rishikeshyogvan.com
Email: rishikeshyogvan@gmail.com
Contact: 8475846997
Email: rishikeshyogvan@gmail.com
Contact: 8475846997
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