Friday, 15 September 2017

Tattwa Shuddhi: Process of purification in Tantric Sadhana

Tattwa Shuddhi: Process of purification in Tantric Sadhana:
 Tattwa Shuddhi is an ancient tantric practice of inner purification. Every person is composed of five basic elements or tattwas which can be purified and transformed through the process of Tattwa Shuddhi. Tattwa Shuddhi is an advanced practice, which can be performed as a sadhana in itself or as a practice with Kundalini kriyas and other higher tantric sadhana.The word Tattwa is made of two words: tat meaning ‘that’ and twa meaning ‘ness’. Hence Tattwa signifies ‘thatness’,. Tattwa is also known as ‘bhuta’ in the scriptures. Bhuta is another Sanskrit term which has a wide range of meaning, but as its meaning coincides in part with Tattwa, the two words are used synonymously. 

The five elements are commonly referred to pancha mahabhuta or pancha Tattwa.
Second, Shuddhi is the act of purifying and sadhana is the act of perfecting. Therefore, Tattwa Shuddhi or bhuta Shuddhi sadhana is known as “perfecting purification of the essence which gives rise to the feeling of existence.” So that Tattwa Shuddhi is a process of purification by which we purify the subtle essence of tattwas of which our body is composed, as well as the underlying 
consciousness related to those elements.

In order to achieve this aim of purification, there are several methods in tantra for gross to subtle and casual levels of purification. Tattwa Shuddhi is one of the practices amongst these practices which stands out for not just one but for all levels of purification because of its effectiveness of purification. Tattwa Shuddhi is one of the most important sadhana between other spiritual and tantric sadhanas in which every individual has to undergo on his journey from the outer to the inner world. It is very clear that without this purificatory process through Tattwa Shuddhi, the higher esoteric practices lead to darkness and disappear. On the way to tantric practices, few of them like Vama marga, Kaula marga, Smashan sadhana, shyama sadhana or Kundalini yoga require a very deep level of concentration which is only possible to attain when the mind has transcended matter and vibrates at the subtle frequency of pure energy. You have to be so proficient at attaining this state that it should happen as easily as at the press of the button. Only then you can hope to overpower the inner explosions that arise as a consequence of the practices. Otherwise, you will just remain at the level of material awareness, or else, if you transcend matter while still operating through the gross mind, the resulting experiences are likely to create a severe error in the personality.

Essentially, tattwa Shuddhi is a system designed to purify the whole of man’s being. It begins with the gross form of purification and goes on to the subtle and psychic purification, culminating in the subtle awareness which prepares the aspirant for the experience of the energy and consciousness from which he has evolved. When one practices yoga over an extended period of time, it creates a mild awakening of shakti is called energy, which can be felt in the psychic levels of the body and mind. However, Tattwa Shuddhi concentrates this awakening of energy and channels it by giving it a form, thus altering the basic awareness. Tattwa Shuddhi plays a primary role, not just in the context of practices related to mental, psychic and spiritual development, but even in those practices where the healing and curative processes are concerned. If Tattwa Shuddhi were practiced before Hatha yoga and the practices of yoga therapy, the result would be quicker and more enduring. Hatha yoga practitioners must understand that the body with which they are dealing is an aggregate and composite of five tattwas or elements, and hence Tattwa Shuddhi has a direct influence on the effects of the Shatkarma. Shatkarma is also processes of purification of the body, but their influence is limited to the body’s triple humors. Their effects do not stretch to the remoteness of the subtler layers, which can be achieved through Tattwa Shuddhi.

Tattwa Shuddhi is the basis of all sadhana because it accomplishes the major spade work. Just as a farmer tills the land, fertilizes it properly and then sows the seeds, similarly an aspirant first prepares the mind and body through Tattwa Shuddhi, then develops the richness of his inner experience.
Tattwa Shuddhi is sukshma sadhana (subtle sadhana), so that it provides the necessary link for the development of higher sadhana practices. This practice is recommended for those who have sincerely practiced yoga for a few years. When one’s body and mind are sufficiently prepared in the stages of pratyahara and the mind is easily introverted, then Tattwa Shuddhi develops concentration or Dharana. By doing this practice of inner purification aspirants can experience a dhyana or meditation in greater level, which leads the aspirant to Tattwa Janna or realization of the subtle essence behind the form.

We all know science today has explored the nucleus of an atom, thus transforming matter into energy. In vedic time ( many thousands of years ago), the yogis in India has exploded the nucleus of their being within the laboratory of the body and mind, which explains that human beings are composed of energy or prana which is known as the life energy, vital energy. Prana exists in all beings either animate or inanimate. This energy vibrates at varying frequencies and later condenses to form the physical body. However, energy is not the final stage of manifestation. Beyond energy, there is consciousness, which is responsible for everything that takes place in the universe. The yogis through their continuous inner quest, they have discovered the relation and interchangeability between matter, energy, and consciousness long ago. They have said that consciousness manifests as energy, which deepens into the matter. Hence if we wish to experience this consciousness free from matter, we will have to reverse the process of evolution back to its original cause. This is achieved through purification only by removing the extra factors from the mind and body. It is here that Tattwa Shuddhi becomes effective as a sadhana.

Outline of the practice:
Practice of tattwa Shuddhi influences the practice of meditation. Purification and transformation of the subtle elements composing the body and mind take place through self-reflection and meditation. Tattwa Shuddhi is a dynamic form of meditation and self-reflection. It is not a passive practice of meditation in which you have to concentrate for hours and hours on one symbol. Neither does it serve for the mind to become accustomed to images arising during the practice. On the contrary, it demands abstract mental creativity to encourage spontaneous concentration by absorption of the mind in the vast potential of rich imagery.

Through the practice of Tattwa Shuddhi, the inner awareness is readily immersed in creating tattwa yantras (geometrical diagrams of the elements), papa purusha (the sinful man) and the mandala of prana shakti (the form of creative energy). Although one has certain basic guidelines to follow, there is a sufficient scope to create and utilize the enormous supple of inherent primordial imagery.
In the practice of tattwa Shuddhi, you first create a mental and psychic awareness of the elements and their respective yantra in the body. You witness the process of one tattwa emerging from another and thus delve deeper and deeper into the subtler layers of existence. After discovering the universal or cosmic energy within, that force is used to dispel internal imbalances. Approaching the problem of imbalance within yourself from a higher level of awareness makes it easier to harmonize those forces, as you are doing it through a mind that has become strong and powerful. After this transformation, you recreate the elements in the physical body in reverse order. The practice then culminates in a vision of prana shakti herself. It is prana acting through the tattwas, karmendriyas and jnanendriyas which allows knowledge and action to take place, and, therefore, obeisance is paid to prana.

The practice of tattwa Shuddhi utilizes the basic tools of tantra: yantra, mandala, and mantra, which are present in each and every facet of the tantra, from ‘black magic’ to vama marga to tantric music, art and architecture, or simply the practices of yoga. These instruments develop one-pointed concentration and are an essential part of tattwa Shuddhi. Tattwa Shuddhi can be used as an aid to meditation and advanced esoteric practices or as a complete sadhana by itself. Although the purpose of the practice is purely spiritual, one can surely experience the benefits in all realms of existence.

We offer 200 hours yoga teacher training courses in Rishikesh.

We also offer one week yoga course for beginners in Rishikesh , retreat course in Rishikesh and asana training in Rishikesh

For more info:

Contact: 8475846997

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Remedy for Constipation

Being constipated means bowel movements are tough and so elimination of solid wastes from the body becomes slow and inefficient.

It has been seen that everyone goes through it sooner or later.

The bowl movements vary widely from person to person. Some people evacuate the bowls two- three times a day. On the other hand, others do once or twice a week.

Going longer than 3 or more days without one is not widely accepted as normal. After 3 days, the stool or feces become harder and more difficult to pass.

  • Fewer bowel movements
  • Difficulty in  having a bowel movement (straining to go)
  • Hard or small stool
  • Swollen belly or belly pain
  • Throwing up
 Yogic Management of Constipation 

Asana: sun salutation , trikonasana(triangle pose, all forward and backbending asana , halasana(plough pose) , tadasana(palm tree pose), kati  chakrasana( waist rotating pose)

Pranayama : bhastrika , surya bhedi

Mudra and Bandha: yoga mudra, ashwini mudra , uddiyana bandha , maha bandha

Shatkarma: agnisara kriya , nauli , laghoo shankprachalana



Diet : substitute  fruits , vegetables , lots of salads.

Home remedy for constipation 

Drink more water
One of the causes of constipation is drinking the small amount of water.So it is important to drink enough water and stay hydrated. 

 Eat more fiber, especially soluble, non-fermentable fiber
Fiber works like a tool that helps to clean alimentary canal.Fiber scrubs food and waste particles from digestive tract. So when it is added to stool, muscles of GI tract  have something to grab on to, so they can keep food moving along. We should eat  20 to 35 grams of fiber a day. Foods particularly high in fiber include bran cereals, beans, lentils, oatmeal, almonds, barley, many vegetables, and fresh and dried fruits.
Fiber intake helps to increase bowel movements.So it is easier to release the feces from the bowels.
Drink coffee, especially caffeinated coffee 

Coffee stimulates the muscles of GI tract.So It can increase the urge to go to the washroom to evacuate the bowels. 

Take senna, an herbal laxative
Senna which is herbal laxative , used to relieve constipation. We can  take it  orally or rectally.

It  contains many plant compounds called glycosides, which stimulate the nerves in  gut and speed up  bowel movements.

It is safe to use Senna for short periods of time.Senna is not recommended to a  pregnant woman, or to that person who has health complications.

Salt Water Flush

A salt water flush, also sometimes referred to as a “salt water cleanse” or a master cleanse. This cleanse our colon and digestive syste.
Salt itself is needed for many biochemical processes, including adrenal gland /thyroid gland function, cell wall stability, muscle contractions, nutrient absorption, nerve stimulation, pH, and water balance regulation.

We offer 200 hours yoga teacher training courses Rishikesh.
We also offer one week yoga course for beginners in Rishikesh , retreat course in Rishikesh and asana training in Rishikesh.
For more info:
Contact: 8475846997



Friday, 1 September 2017

What is Tantra? A brief introduction on Tantra Sastra

It is no doubt to say that in present time yoga is practiced in almost every corner of the world, but we do not really see any transformation in the consciousness of mankind everywhere. Then the question arises where does the fault lie? Is it in our practice method? It is more likely that the fault lies in the way we practice our yogic sadhana. Most of the time Human mind is very curious to take many things at a time a bit of this and a bit of that in the practice of our sadhana. In order to eliminate this way of doing yoga, we have to give greater attention to the philosophy and practices of tantric science, which is known as the source of yoga. Tantra is also known as a way of Living and Loving. There is no use in just having a bird’s eye view of a subject as vast as tantra, which has viewed existence from every angle or point of view. Through this in depth study of the pattern of creation, its manifestation, its cause, and effect in relation to the individual, the tantrics discovered the missing link which unifies the individual and the cosmos.
Second, Once they have realized the way to bridge the gap, the tantrics devised methods and practices to guide others. Although most of these methods are very ancient, they have practiced by yogis and sadhakas according to the time and space for the base on which they were need to be developed and emphasized to develop the inner experience for the evolution of an individual; not limited knowledge, but living breathing experience.
All of these methods of tantra sastra are very systematic and precise for those yogis and sadhakas (Aspirants) who wants to gain a living breathing experience and live a very balanced and blissful life.
The aim of tantra is summarily defined in the word itself. Tantra has been derived from the combination of two Sanskrit words: tanoti which means expansion and trayati which means liberation. This means that tantra is the method to expand the mind and liberate the dormant potential energy. In order to understand tantra, we have first to understand exactly what is meant by the expansion of mind and liberation of energy.
We have to understand one thing; the range of our experience related to the inner and outer world is usually severely limited. We can only see, hear, feel, taste and smell through the use of our physical senses. If one of our senses is impaired, our experience and knowledge related to that sense is restricted and hampered. Therefore, perception and cognition are totally and mercilessly dependent on the senses. This is a limiting adjunct in our lives because knowledge derived through the senses is restricted by the boundaries of time, space, and object. Time, space and object exist only as categories of the individual mind. If there is no individual mind, there is no time or space or object, and vice versa. These three categories of mind are finite and cannot be regarded as the source of infinite knowledge. As long as we function through the realm of the senses and mind, we cannot break these finite and restricting boundaries.
Now let me explain about these two type of experience Subjective and Objective. What is a Subjective experience? For example, if you wish to see the beauty of lotus flower, it is very necessary to have the flower in front of your open eyes; to smell its fragrance, it is necessary to take it closer to the nose. Similarly, to taste the sweetness of chocolates, they have to be eaten. This type of experience is called objective because it is dependent on the presence of an object, the senses and the mind in relation to both of them.
On the other hand, there is a range of experience when you can see with your eyes closed, taste in the absence of food, hear the sound of music without any instrument to cause it. That is a purely subjective experience and it is unbound by the categories of finite mind. Hence that the knowledge gained through a subjective experience is for more accurate and precise than that gained through an objective experience, because it is the consequence of an expanded mind.
Expansion of mind means that which allows anyone to experience beyond the realm of the senses, time, space and matter. In that realm, you are unbound by distance and time. One can travel into the past or future and know the happenings at places where you are not physically present. This is known as an expansion of mind but it is unattainable as long as you are bound by sensorial experience. Mind operating through the senses and ego categorizes all experiences according to raga and dwesha or likes and dislikes. This imposition of the mind creates a distortion of the knowledge received from any experience and does not allow for growth of the pure and refined knowledge.
Knowledge gained through the expanded mind slowly evolves and finally culminates into intuitive knowledge, it is a true knowledge. But we need to be patience and practice gradually in order to gain the true knowledge because the expansion of mind does not happen in one day. One has to go through long experiences some mild, some intense, some pleasant, some unpleasant. It is a gradual growth which finally culminates in absolute knowledge or Brahma Jnana.
The basis of Tantric Sadhana:
The essence of tantric sadhana is classified into three stages of upasana “worship”. The tantric believes that every act however mundane, if offered to the higher force within oneself or abounding in the universe, becomes meaningful and a medium through which he can transform his awareness.
These three stages of worship are as follows:
  1. Shuddhi (Purification): purification is the very essential stage in tantric sadhana. When we talk about purification that is purification of the gross, subtle and psychic elements or tattwas.
  2. Sthiti: Illumination resulting through concentration, which is achieved by refining or purifying the elements.
  3. Arpana: Unification with the higher force within oneself, or realization of the cosmic consciousness.
It is clear that Shuddhi (purification)  is the basis of all tantric sadhanas, whether they are based on vamachara, kaulachara or vedachara practices. These are the three major categories of tantric sadhana and they have all emphasized the requirement of shuddhi as an integral part of spiritual practice and evolution.

We also offer one week yoga course for beginners in Rishikesh , retreat course in Rishikesh and asana training in Rishikesh.

For more info:

Contact: 8475846997